Luca: full movie review, A nice animated movie

"Luca" 2021 movie full review and explanation. 

Luca is an American animated movie, directed by Enrico Casarosa and produced by Andrea warren.

What you see in this film?

In this movie, the story started with the ocean in which a little timid boy "Luca" is living in the ocean with his family.  


All humans like to hunt them because all of them are sea monsters. Luca's parents were afraid that might be hunt by humans. So they didn't allow Luca to out of the surface. One day Luca met a guy named Alberto who living in a house on the mountain, trying to encourage Luca to adventure at the surface. Albert wants to show him sea monster turns into men when they dry and return into their on the form when he wet again. 

Luca and Albert making a bicycle. Meanwhile, Luca's parents want to send Luca to live in the deep sea with his uncle. Then Luca and Alberto run away to travel the world and find the Vespa. 

Both of the guys reached a town where some bullied person trying to dunk them in a fountain. But a girl (Giulia) comes and help him to escape from there. 
                                    She needs money for a Vespa, so the boys and Giulia make the team for winning the tournament. Including sweating, pasta eating, biking. A problem comes that two boys are not able to swim, they do not want to reveal themself. 

Luca and Alberto decided to biking and pasta eating, and swimming for Giulia. 
Guilia takes two of them into her home for training, meanwhile, Luca and able to fight each other and Alberto leaves and go away from there. Race begins. 

Luca takes lead in a bicycle race, but rain began at that time Luca take shelter to hide their ability. Alberto arrives with an umbrella helping for his friend Luca but Erchole knocks him and they disclose as sea monsters. Finally, Giulia's father reveals that he won the match. 
Luca and Albert purchase a Vespa but he sells to buy a train ticket for Luca to go to school with Guilia. Luca's family and Alberto see off at the train station.


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